
How To Increase Height

For the humiliation of women in addition to know how to order Long Hair Fast, women also need to know How to Increase Height.Because the height will affect a person's beauty. Height is influenced by growth hormone. Growth hormone is responsible for managing the growth of hard bone tissue and cartilage. In program improvement body, through a special method, the pituitary gland activity can be enhanced so as to produce more growth hormone.

Well, here are some exercises or How to Increase Height all of the following exercises in the category induced growth hormone (EIGH) or exercise that stimulates growth hormone, among others:

1. Stretching
Stretching movements will make the bone-lengthening spine interested. If done regularly and intensively, the movement can help to stimulate the addition of the length of the spine.

2. Hang
Dependent with both hands will stimulate the elongation of the bones of the back, especially in adolescents is still in its infancy.When the dependent with both hands, body attracted by gravity to the bottom and the hand holding the weight of the resulting voltage on the back.

3. Kick
This movement stimulates the growth of the leg bone that extends optimal. In its infancy, the movement is quite effective. In fact, at the age of consent is still able to increase the movement of a leg length but not much.
Taekwondo athletes generally have relatively long legs for kicking practice regularly and intensively. In adulthood, when growth has stalled, the length of the leg bone is formed of cartilage, not bone hard.

4. Bicycle
The correct cycling movement can stimulate the length of the legs, feet flat on the pedal, do not tiptoe. Back straight, and the pedaling motion conducted in stable and constant.

5. Swim
Movements in the pool can stimulate growth in an optimal weight for the entire body, from head to toe, to stretch. Swimming motions involve almost all the muscles of the body, requires a lot of energy, and cause a lot of lactic acid. Getting a lot of energy and lactic acid are removed, the body release more growth hormone.

6. Basketball / Volleyball
Movement basketball / volleyball very well stimulate growth significantly because the body often stepping up the fight against gravity and cause stretching the whole body. This exercise also releases a lot of energy and lactic acid that spurred the growth hormone.